Monday, September 18, 2017

37 things

Today I finished another 365 day orbit around the sun. Just finished up my 37th year on this planet. Yup. It's my birthday. 😃

I tend to get a bit reflective around this time. And man has A LOT happened since last September.

I completed my first year as an elementary school general music teacher. I moved in with my boyfriend and secretly surprised him with a CRAZY piece of piano music (#Rach3foraRock). I got engaged. (!!!!!!) I performed in a solo and collaborative piano recital. I held my grandmother's hand as she took her last breath. I completed a Body Therapy program I had been working on for the past 5 years. I traveled to France, Poland and England over the summer. I am planning a wedding. I am getting married in 76 days!

I've learned a few things this year. And the previous 36. I could go into more details, but I'll just leave it as a simple list. Here we go: 
  1. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  2. No one is perfect. Not even you. Go easy on yourself.
  3. Slow down. Waaaaaaay down.
  4. It's OK to say "I don't know." And even better than making something up that you don’t really mean.
  5. If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy in a relationship.
  6. Start with YOU first.
  7. Friends come and go.
  8. No one knows you better than you.
  9. Everyone deals with death differently -- and every death is different. 
  10. Don't try to be someone you're not.
  11. Don't compare yourself to others, especially if it makes you feel worse about yourself.
  12. Vacations are a good thing. A VERY good thing.
  13. Travel light.
  14. Take time to unplug.
  15. It will aaaaaaaaaaall get done. No stress.
  16. If you're passionate, you will prioritize.
  17. Quiet time is key.
  18. Meditation is also key.
  19. If you blame it on someone else, don't expect it to get better. 
  20. Forgive others in your own time.
  21. It's never too late to make a change for yourself.
  22. It doesn't make you spoiled to let others take care of you sometimes.
  23. Going to bed early doesn't mean you don't have a life.
  24. When you need a reality check, ask a child what they think about you.
  25. Then again, don't take what children say too seriously ("out of the mouths of babes...")
  26. Take time to play.
  27. Honesty is the kindest thing you can offer people.
  28. If it's funny, laugh. Even at your coworkers. 
  29. Read more. Get lost in a novel. 
  30. Listen to music you wouldn't normally listen to.
  31. Stand-up comedy is the best way to get through traffic.
  32. Take time to indulge in your creativity.
  33. Remember, you can't please everyone.
  34. Also remember to breathe.
  35. Pinterest is amazing, but don't compare your life (or wedding!) to it.
  36. For the right person, you won't have to hide any parts of yourself.
  37. Do you, your way.
So there ya go.

This morning's workout was a theme of "37". 
37 reps.
37 minute workout. 

My day continued with some lovely gifts from coworkers and my fiancé (yey, Star Wars!), school cookies and student cupcakes. It was a good day.

Now I am going to let my fiancé spoil me with his gift of cooking. 😃 

Do what makes you happy.

Especially on your birthday.

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