I have dreams.
Big ones.
Big ones.
And I have an idea of how to go about achieving them. Even the resources to do so.
But am I doing anything about it?
Not really. I mean, I'm THINKING about it a lot, and DREAMING, and making plans. Lots of that going on. But the actual DOING bit?
Nope. Nadda. Nothing.
Why is that? Why, when we have such big goals, dreams and ambitions, do we struggle with taking the DO-ing steps, the action steps?
Some would say laziness. Procrastination. Putting it off until the moment is "right." What is that anyway? What is a "right" moment?
When we are inspired and motivated? When all the conditions are "perfect”? When we have all our ducks in a row?
Maybe. But I think there is something deeper beneath all the excuses.
I think it's fear. I really do. I think it's fear of failure AND fear of success. Because with success comes tremendous responsibility. And that shit is scary.
What if I don't want to be responsible? Or accountable? What if I don't feel like "adult-ing"? (my new favorite verb!)
We get overwhelmed. We get caught up in the big picture and the massiveness of it. How can we possibly reach those goals? They feel soooooo far away.
That's kind of where I'm at right now. Even though some would say I have accomplished some pretty awesome things in the past. That seemed quite unattainable at the time. I'm not new to this process.
But yet it still bites me in the ass. I still find myself getting stuck in that same "fixing to get ready" loop. Not taking the next step. The small step. The consistent step. Getting stuck in the muck and heaviness of fear. UGH.
But here I am. Knowing what to do yet feeling resistant to do it. It's a curious place to be.
One of my favorite workout tanks has "Suck it up, buttercup" written on it. I love it because it's so true. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do it. Do the thing you don't feel like doing. Workout when you don't feel like it. Make that phone call. Write that email. Type up that report.
Just start. Suck it up and do it. Set a timer for 10 mins and start doing that thing you don't want to do. When the 10 mins are up, check in with yourself and see if you can keep going. If you can't, OK. At least you started. You took the next step, the small step. But if you can keep going, even for just a little bit longer...ROCK STAR. You are golden!
So what is that next thing you need to do that you have been putting off? What is that next step towards your goals and dreams that you just haven't been able to get yourself to do?
Get over yourself and all your excuses. They will always be there. Plenty of them. Don’t worry.
Just do it. (#bestsloganever) Suck it up, buttercup, and get 'er done.
I promise you that that thing that you are working towards and dreaming about WILL make you happy. The sense of accomplishment of working towards it will make you happy. Achieving it will make you happy. Because we all want to do what ultimately makes us happy, right? (even if we don't enjoy the initial process of doing it!)
So go out there and kick resistance's booty and go after those dreams!
(and remember to do what makes you happy :)